Thursday, 25 May 2017

In Search of Goethe Within Us

                                                     In Search of Goethe Within Us

The Hamlettian dilemma has never been more  strong as it is today where the binary options -to write or not to write, to speak or not to speak, to express or not to express, to argue or not to argue have caused increased tension and stress among many of us who are aam admis in the literal sense, without any political overtones associated with it. Most of us have gone silent preferring the easier way out than strike a confrontational posture to invite verbal assaults and abusive, scathing attacks both personally and on the social media. To me there has arisen a new kind of discomfiture and I suspect I am not alone in experiencing such unease. All those who have a different take on many issues that are singularly labeled ‘Modissues’ are experiencing social ostracization.  I suddenly find that many of my friends who were willing to concede my views as having a modicum of truth have stopped responding to me. Though they have not openly said so, their silence is deafening. They are as much scared to be on my mailing list as they are in mailing their response even if that response is counter to my views. Many of them have stopped calling me and visiting me while a few others have stopped even sending innocuous ‘forwards’ not only to me, but also to my close knit family members. There is an unwritten ban and unspoken fear that has gripped the literate masses. Sometimes I wonder if illiteracy is bliss and ignorance beneficial.
Despite the repeated warnings from my well wishers, I have taken courage to write this piece. I write because I am certain that it will not be read at all and especially by those who fear the invisible, omniscient controller. I write because no newspaper, no newsmagazine will ever publish it for unspecified fear of reprisal. I write because I belong to the aam admi class which no one can fear for impacting the masses and modifying their thinking.  I write because I want to lighten myself from the heavy burden of despair, anguish and pain I experience today in all aspects of life. I write because I want to give an alternate narrative to open our minds, that are fed on innuendoes and derogatory implications built on some credible facts and a whole lot of hype. I write because today no one understands the  art of speaking fair while making a point; on the contrary, with consummate skill and with recourse to uncivil language  turn every issue on its head to expose the foolishness of one’s opponent. I preface this article with an unequivocal affirmation that it is not meant as an indictment of the ruling party. It is an indictment of the new world order, where the ruler and the ruled, the elite and the masses are guilty of not treating one another with civility.   Last and more importantly, I write to find the Goethe within us whom I have been searching for.
 Who is Goethe? Wolfgang von Goethe, the mid  18th to mid 19th century German writer is best described as a ‘cosmos in himself’- a scientist, a writer of poetry, drama and prose, a literary and aesthetic critic and a statesman, known for his  intellectual endeavors,  his intense passion and above all  his humanism. Goethe is the high priest of high culture.  In this century, just at this moment of the expiration of high culture, Goethe is healthier for all of us more than ever before. It is time all of us discovered the Goethe within us to save our world from collapse of all civilized values almost signaling the end of humanism.
India for the first time after many decades is ruled by a single party that enjoys a huge majority in the Parliament. We have a strong PM whose personal strengthand strong image  have been buttressed by the massive numbers on his side.  PM Modi  has single handedly destroyed the opposition both by his oratorical ability that often does border on demagoguery and his skilful use of the electronic and social media to stay connected with people. But he is not satisfied with all the electoral success his whirlwind zooming across the country has given him. He is hungry for more. What started as Congress mukht Bharat has now been extended to Opposition(Vipaksh) mukht Bharat. As a leader of a populous and vibrant democracy, this ambitious goal of Vipaksh mukht Bharat repeatedly stressed by him and his trusted lieutenant Amit Shah goes against the very concept of democracy. Though it is projected as unintended, but unprovenly and deliberately intentional, the consequences of such a proclamation is to consolidate all power within a single party that will lead to the emergence of an autocratic party system, muzzling all voices of dissent. Many of the partymen in sheer loyalty to the party join the chorus to decimate the Vipaksh, which ironically today is a lame duck, hardly able to keep its head from drowning in the Modi tsunami. Should the PM, who is the most winnable among leaders and whose position is unshakeable, stoop down to wish for the annihilation of the Opposition? It is one thing to aim for personal success, it is another to wish for the elimination of all those who are not in line with the espoused policies and ideologies of the party. Vipaksh mukht Bharat is a catchy phrase and is mindlessly used without reflecting on the anti-democratic consequences. The PM is the best example of the rule of democracy, where from humble origins, he has risen to the nation’s highest position. We should seek the Goethe within us to help us develop ‘keen hearing and keen learning’ without which we will be more easily swayed away from word play and replace  democracy by autocracy and possibly one-man rule.
 Congress has been shown as synonymous with corruption. The second innings of UPAII was more about scams than governance , chief among them relating to spectrum pricing, coal auction and Commonwealth games. The party led by the unimpeachable , incorruptible Manmohan Singh, who shares with PM Modi disavowal of pecuniary benefits for oneself, and a good number of  honest ministers in his cabinet have been painted with the same brush and shown to be tainted. The Grand old party has been defamed and slandered beyond impassable limits. It is a fact, everyone loves a scam. The public lapped up with glee all charges levelled against Congress proving the adage that a single drop of poison is enough to contaminate a whole container. Three years after Congress was punished lock, stock and barrel, the ruling party and its leaders are not tired of flogging the dead horse to hold that blackened image of the Congress before the public. One Raja or one Kalmadi does not make the Congress. Still an effective myth has been created that all men and women of the Congress are frauds, cheats and perfidious. Clever use of the social media, abusive trolls and indiscriminate spread of calumny have successfully penetrated into the Indian psyche to say,  ‘Dishonesty, thy name is Congress.’ If Manmohan Singh, the erstwhile PM is accused of corruption in the wake of scams perpetrated by a few unethical men in his coalition government, it begs the question whether PM Modi and his respectable ministers  should be hauled up for the prevalence of fatal vigilantism all through the nation? No one dares to point false accusing fingers against PM Modi and rightly so, though for the ex-PM it has been  a different yardstick. What is sauce for the goose doesn’t seem to be sauce for the gander. The wholesale attack on the Congress- and now on the entire opposition is they(barring the ruling party) are all, all corrupt. The present political narrative is the modern version of the wolf and the lamb story where the wolf charges the lamb that if he (the lamb) is not guilty, the sinners should be his whole family- his father, grandfather, uncle, cousin et al. This once again shows the absence of Goethe within us who opposed quasi literacy that in our century is spread by the social media,  euphemistically known as educational networking and which negates deep reading and critical analysis.
It is well known eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. What we notice today is the spread of vigilantism to protect cows, to force people to be compliant with an attenuated and circumscribed definition of Nationalism, to establish Hindu rashtra, very different from the inclusive and pluralistic variant of India for all as guaranteed by the Constitution, to ensure no Indian (not just Hindu) eats even buffalo beef, to regulate the spread of Hindutva ideology in universities and educational institutions. The killing and lynching of people in the name of vigilantism , the crude and violent and often fatal attacks on suspected consumption and hoarding of beef, the  banning and burning of books that do not subscribe to the party’s ideology, the killing of rationalists on the misconception that they challenge age old beliefs, myths and superstitions that constitute their version of Hindutva, the war cry of love jihad and  Ghar Wapsi or return of the native to his parent  religion have become the new normal, well  beyond the pale of the state’s law and order machinery. India is witnessing for the first time after the 1947 partition, a new wave of anger and intolerance against one’s own countrymen. Not that there were no caste riots or communal riots earlier, but the present tide of violence has been given legitimacy because it seemingly reflects the feelings of the majority. The quality of a peaceful life is slowly diminishing and yielding to the irrational frenzy of the mob. The culture of tolerance and co-existence is on the wane. Democracy, says Albert Camus, is not the law of the majority but the protection of the minority. Where is the Goethe within us who is well acquainted with tradition but retains enough strength and courage to defy the frenetic wrongs done in the name of pseudo religious sanctions? Where is the Goethe within us to prevent intolerance, homicide and xenophobia- the three inhuman practices of radical fundamentalism against which PM Modi has time and again raised his voice?
 The rising tempo of intolerance is best exemplified by our news channels. As Aaakar Patel says, the new breed of anchors are best termed as ‘Jihad anchors’, who launch the fake crusade on the TV studios every night, recklessly whipping up emotions sans reason, ‘urging the nation to war and reporting everything to the same level of lunatic intensity’. They have to follow the script given to them to talk brashly, vehemently, authoritatively and hound all those who are seen to be critical of the ruling party. The jihad anchors have self raised their status to be omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. They are powerful to humiliate and shout down all those who speak against the establishment. They seem to know what is right and what is wrong and I wonder why do they sit on the studio chairs instead of occupying the more powerful ones in the Ministry and the Secretariat.  They muffle all voices of dissent with an aggressive and imperious dismissal.  What started with one News channel has spread to most other channels where the anchor has the triple role of being the accuser, jury and the judge. The language is far removed from civility only to be outdone by the trollers and Twitteratis. We are entering a new phase of illiteracy where we are proud to be uncivil, impolite, rude and insolent. Aakar Patel sadly states: “It works to the interest of the anchor, the media business and the government that we carry on with news jihad. It hurts the citizen deeply.” Where is the Goethe within us to bring sanity to our debates on TV channels? Why is the media discussing what our army is doing in Kashmir and LOC and revealing all the efforts of the government and mocking Pakistan? Every time the media mocks Pakistan and screams that Pakistan has been isolated, a couple of our jawans are martyred and beheaded. US got Osama without giving the slightest hint about the plans of SEAL to capture him. China is veiled in secrecy till it unfolds its mega plans like OBOR to the world. But our TV channels are forever breaking news and breaking the security of the nation. The cacophony of TV discussions shows the vacuity of wisdom in our erudite spokespersons and political commentators. The Channels indulge only in scandal mongering and sensational news like the mewing of Rahul Gandhi after a sensational statement about earth-quaking expose. Where is the Goethe within us, the literate people who have not only lost maturity but also lost their morality and spirituality?
 Then comes the chest thumping. Poor Deavkanta Barua . He must be squirming in the grave as his catch phrase has been unabagedly stolen by the very same people who had mocked him for his infamous remark India is Indira, Indira is India. Now is the turn for new aphorisms spun out of Barua’s phrase. It is Modindia. His acolytes sing paeans of praise to him for every scheme is Modified.
Modi is South, Modi is North,
Modi is both, Modi is Bharat.
Modi is East, Modi is West,
Modi is Best, miss not Modifest.
Is this a sign of times to come when we will be ruled by a single party, by a single leader, when there will be no dissent and no challenge to the leadership? Whatever PM Modi has achieved in three years is for everyone to see. Nature does not brag and preen about its glory. It is there for us to see and enjoy, appreciate and admire. The acolytes of the PM are doing a great disservice to the PM. They forget what Goethe had stated in his play Faust where the angels say: “Wer immer strebend sich bemüht, Den können wir erlösen (Whoever exerts himself in constant striving, Him we can save).
PM Modi is a unique person by his own right. He does not need minions to bless him. The angels are there to protect him and grant his wishes.Too much exposure and familiarity breed contempt and ennui.
Goethe’s works have two fundamental themes. One of these themes is the value of humanity's unremitting pursuit of knowledge and improvement.  The second is constant striving towards spirituality which is effected by a synthesis of feeling and reason. In Faust, Goethe writes:
 when in our narrow cell
The lamp once more imparts good cheer,
Then in our bosom — in the heart
That knows itself — then things grow clear.
Reason once more begins to speak
And the blooms of hope once more to spread;
One hankers for the brooks of life,
Ah, and for life's fountain head.
I write this, with despair tempered by hope, anguish countered by reason, intellect complemented by emotion, knowledge enlightened by maturity and lastly  in Search of  Goethe to reveal and energise the spirit of humanism within us.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

The Cow and Bull Story

                                                      The Cow and Bull Story
The holiday season has begun. The hot weather of Delhi and the plains of India drive everyone crazy. Those who can afford, drive towards the hills to get a breath of fresh cool air. Our small family also decided to make a trip to Lansdowne at the foot of the Himalayas and at a distance of 250 kms from Delhi.  After traversing through the dry, dusty roads of Delhi and the UP towns , it was late in the evening when we came close to our destination. As the car raced through the neatly flowered gardens surrounded by the enigmatic greenery all round, I experienced the intensely soporific effect of the cool air till I was jolted by the distant lowing of an old bull, weak and emaciated. I was reminded of the first few lines of Ralph Hodgson’s poem the Bull
See an old bull
Sick in soul and body both,
Slouching in the undergrowth
Of the forest beautiful,
Banished from the herd he led,
Bulls and cows a thousand head.    

The Bull stood on its tired legs all alone, as though in expectation of someone of its tribe to listen to his lowing, Finally it  got a response from the cheery bawling of a young heifer which stood before him. She looked beautiful, well fed and well looked after. She seemed to have been given a good bath and had turmeric and kumkum on her forehead.
What is the matter with you, dada? Why so forlorn and woebegone?”
The Bull(feebly):
Well, you have everything going your way. It is not the case with us old males.
The Heifer:
Come on, Grandpa, are you whining like the women groups about gender discrimination?
The Bull:   
Yes, precisely. We male bulls are discriminated. The men worship you as “Gomata”; they whip us and make us plough their fields. It is hot and dry, not a trickle of water on the fields and we are made to draw the heavy wooden plough through the fields. Dry-mouthed, thirsty and nothing even to chew, we go on and on from early morning. The midday sun scorches and we slouch to take the heat on our torso. You look cool, enjoying the luxury of chewing the cud. We have no food in the stomach to regurgitate and chew, while we stand waiting for the farmer to finish his lunch.
The Heifer:
I am so sorry to see you cud-less. But don’t deny us this one luxury. The whole female species all over the world are seeking gender justice over the denial of minimum privileges. Even where there is a sanction- what they refer to as constitutional (I don’t understand these words)-the real truth is females are subjected to a lot of whimsical and arbitrary treatment at the hands of their male counterparts. This is the one exception where we are privileged to have our own resting places called ‘goshalas’ and even the great man, whom they address as CM saheb or Yogiji comes and pats us and gives us a few straws to chew.
The Bull:
Don’t say you are an exception. Females are also elected as Panchayati leaders and you females are ruling the roost nowadays.
The Heifer:
Maybe your eyesight is failing and you are not reading the newspapers. Women are given the right to stand and get elected in the panchayats.  This is done to show the world that there will be no suppression of women’s political rights. Women are elected to show that India defies the patriarchal mindset which seeks to smother women from birth till death and which contends that a woman’s identity always derives from a man be it her father or husband. This is  not the truth. Women sit in the panchayats and do exactly as told by their husbands. So don’t think there is gender justice in the case of all women. Please don’t grudge us this one little favour handed to me, my mom and siblings of my gender.
The Bull:
Don’t panic. My voice is so feeble it will not be heard. A lot of us have been bellowing for our rights. But no one cares for us. Some of us who roam around in fallow fields looking for a tiny blade of grass- are often rounded and taken in a truck. But it is just a momentary relief that we are on the move without moving our tired legs. But soon the truck stops and surrounded by a whole lot of people wielding sticks and raining blows on the men in the truck. We jump off the truck and run wild, far from the madding crowd. The men in the truck are accused as cattle traders and lynched. We had no idea what the trucker wanted to do with all of us, but reality hit us when we were back on the fallow fields, hungry and thirsty and moving our cud-less jaws. No one from the crowd that let us off the truck cared for us. They came, they killed the trucker and they fled.
The Heifer: 
Awfully sorry to listen to your story. But tell me, what did you expect from the trucker? Why didn’t you all bulls make a fight? Why were you herded into the truck?
The Bull:
Come on don’t you have eyes to see what we look like?  We are half the bull that we were, bones and leather nothing more. We strayed through the fields  in a stupor, dreaming things of long past, green savannas, jungles brown, dreaming things of how we had spent days in the valley, warm and green, full of joyous wonderment, dreaming how we had wandered with a throng of bulls and cows a thousand strong, how we had wandered on from plain to plain, up the hill and down the dale, how we shook the forest with our sound, bellowing  at one and all. So were we dreaming,  of those days when we were mighty and powerful , and how all  the tramping herd followed us with not a bull to bar our way, not a cow to say nay , not a man to deny us our cud. Now skin and bones, what fight do you think we could make against men who freed us from the fields and carted us into the truck. Our famished stomachs expected diet of grass and grain and so we quietly herded into the truck.
The Heifer:
Tell me, did you misbehave with those hooligans who killed the trucker and got you out of the truck? Why else they didn’t give you food and shed like they have given us.
The Bull:
You are too young and naive to understand. Your mom gives milk and sooner than later, you will also supply milk to all those who care for you. But alas! We are past the age when we cannot even  take a single step forward- not to speak of drawing the plough. What earthly use can we be to all those hooligans? They abandoned us shouting Gomata ki jai-  Victory  to the cows. Whether useful or not, you belong to the Gomata tribe. You will be venerated as the Holy Cow and no one shall harm you. In India you are given a holy status, higher than the status of Tiger, its national animal. But we bulls work and sweat till we grow old and weak and then we are abandoned because we are not as pretty as you are.
The Heifer:
 Don’t be jealous. We have earned this status and  remember, without us you would have never been born in the first place. My mother told me this story of Akbar and Birbal in which Akbar asks 'whose son is best.’ Birbal answers ‘ 'Cow’s. She gives birth to bull which indeed a farmer's friend. We are surviving because of those farmers.’ This seems to be main reason because of which cow is holy.
The Bull:
The Bull:
 But this does not seem to be the case with men and women. Without women, men cannot be born and yet patriarchy is the essence of world civilization. They didn’t even allow Hillary to become the President of USA.  Now it is Macron and not La Pen in France. Man’s rule is strong. They can say ‘talak,talak,talak thrice and divorce their wives. We bulls can do no such thing. In our case, once we are physically of no use, we go under the butcher’s knife. But why not you? You go to Senior Citizens home and live a life of indolence and chewing cud.
The Heifer:
What an irony! You bulls are genetically strong, but have no power. We are considered docile, gentle, patient creatures but we have all the power to dominate in India. There is now a question mark on the triple talak. We are winning everywhere. At least we are making noise and are heard. You bulls just lie low and utter strange sounds that no one understands. We never fought for our rights, we got them as our right. This world works only on the precept
The winner takes it all
The loser's standing small…
the winner takes it all, the loser has to fall
 It's simple and it's plain, why should I complain

Take my advice-even if I am too small to give you one. Bulls of the world, unite together and make your protest. Forget What Obama said. Your slogan should be “We can’t, We can’t” and refuse to draw the plough till the men give you the MOU that they will put you all also in Sr.Citizens’ home when you are old and helpless.
The Bull:
You are too clever. You know that there are not many goshalas to accommodate your growing tribe(because none of you will ever be butchered). Where will there be goshalas for us? And we don’t like to keep chewing the cud 24x7. That is boring. We are brave and would prefer to donate our flesh and leather for the service of mankind. When we die, they will sing paeans of praise for us for our altruism and say
All hail to thee, bulls of the world,/Blessed are the meek, they shall inherit the Earth.

 The loud honking of the car at the assembly of bulls and cows right on the bang of the road woke me up and the mooing and lowing of the bulls sounded a repeat of the argumentative tete a tete between the Bull and the Heifer.


Thursday, 11 May 2017

Twenty Point Programme for the Revival of Congress.

Twenty Point Programme for the Revival of Congress. 
Lots of people have written the obituary of the Grand Old Party, the Congress party. This is what RSS through BJP and Prime Minister Modi  wished for and successfully accomplished. Questions have been raised about Congress’ pro-poor, pro-minority policies and both have been dubbed as vote catching appeasement policies. The party is heckled for its liberal secularism, dubbed as “sickularism”. The congress has been roundly defeated but it is not finished yet. The party has a lot of intellectuals, well educated liberals whose cerebral understanding of key national issues defy all critics who are eager and in a hurry  to bury it and raise a triumphal flag over it. 
I have no affinity with the present day moping Congress, in a perpetual state of introspection. Nor have I any affinity with its opponents who want to decimate it, as such a situation spells doom for democracy. Congress has to re-invent itself and this cannot be done by introspection. It has to come clean and spotless and to that extent pack its leadership with proven honest persons. We need Yudhishtras not Dhridarashtras who are blind to corruption and malpractices of a few errant individuals. What the opposition has done is to seize upon those  few black sheep to paint the whole Congress party black. The party should get out of its stupor and work out programmes that are strategically and practically implementable. 
I have been a simple academic who had progressed in life through honesty, hard work, God given intelligence and pursuit of unselfish, altruistic Gandhian idealism. I have no personal axe to grind as I am past seeking any benefits. But born and brought up in the Gandhi- Nehru-Rajaji era, I feel deeply disturbed and compelled to do my bit to restore true democracy(different from the present day definition of democracy as seeking people’s mandate every five years) in India.
I list below the 20 point programme for a new Congress which should be once again  be known as Congress(I)where “I” stands for ‘inclusiveness’. It can also be called  Congress  National party as it should embrace persons from all walks of life to work for a second freedom for India- freedom from corruption, freedom from violence, freedom from fear and freedom from all ills that plague the mental and physical well being of all Indians.
1.      1. Make the  present Gandhis- Mother, Son and Daughter Margdarshis. Even if Congressmen and women are averse to borrowing ideas from their political enemy, let not that ego stand in the way of rebuilding a party shattered to smithereens by the Modi earthquake. The true Gandhis are still around. Chief among them are Gopala Krishna Gandhi, Tushar Gandhi, Rajmohan Gandhi who have through their words and writings shown the right path to follow. They are not aspirants for any office, but they have the interest of the nation. Seek their wisdom to rebuild the Congress.
2.   2. Elect a new leader(M/F), young and dynamic, well educated and articulate to make an intelligent and impressive appeal to unite all sections of society – the elite, the aspiring middle class, the poor and the underprivileged to make India once again a cultured, civilized and progressive nation.
3.    3.   Select state-wise leaders known honest, educated and intelligent and who follow Gandhian ideals simple living, high thinking( There are a large number of young idealists whose idealism have not been tapped by any party these days.)
4.    4. Organize Round Table Conferences inviting academics, scholars, intellectuals, writers, business leaders,  lawyers, political leaders, scientists, religious leaders  to arrive at a broad consensus towards solving major developmental issues- education, employment, environment, economy, justice and health for all.
5.    5. The party should stand up for our Constitutional obligation towards a renewal of India as a Nation, One and Indivisible, founded upon Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.
6.     6. Educate all Congress cadres on the true meaning of secularism which in essence means to exclude religion from all civil, political and social matters.
7.     7. Work for giving Federal status to all states like the European form of Federalism which favors a common federal government, with distributed power at regional and national levels.
8.     8. States must be free to decide their own policy on education and language while adhering to uniform standards of learning. Centre should have its own university and schools in all states and this will enable the state universities and state schools to raise their standards to compete with central institutions. Educate young men and women in citizenship and its responsibilities in place of the pseudo value education that is increasingly farcical today.
9.     9.Restrict university admission only to those who want to pursue research and academics. Establish vocational colleges on lines similar to the present day colleges and give degrees that provide the young men and women employment
1 10.  Professional colleges including IITs should make it mandatory for every student to serve at least one year in rural areas and this assignment should be finalized by the respective professional institutions. Only on completion of a year’s service, they will get their degree. Students cannot enter civil services or engineering and medical services without the mandatory service in rural areas.
111.   No need to allure people with depositing money in their accounts. Make a strong social security scheme that gives allowance for a limited period of 3-4 weeks by which time, people should find work for themselves.
1  12.   Skill India is to be modified to be effective. Make it Regional Skills in line with the requirement of each region. More importantly, factor in the arrival of robots for many of the manual jobs done today. Skill training has to be modernized to help people get jobs in the manufacture of robots, precision equipment, surgical tools, industrial machinery, food processing, hotel industries, hospitality management, healthcare assistance etc. The Congress should reach out to people and talk about the new policies, their futuristic dimensions, the benefits that will accrue and above all how they will restore to people the dignity of earning money with new skills, keeping pace with modernity.
1  13.  An improved version of Mohalla clinics in all villages, a functioning medical centre in all taluks, district hospitals and Referral-cum-research hospitals in the capital cities of India should be of topmost priority. 
1  14.  Government should promote a scheme of Rs. 25 per family per month from villagers,Rs.25 per head per family from district population and Rs.100/ per family from city slum dwellers as medical insurance that will entitle  people to free hospitalization that includes free medicines and free surgery
1  15.   Congress should make efforts to bring a synthesis of tradition and modernity by deciding on policies that relate to culture, art, aesthetics, and literature. Promote healthy traditions and educate the people to clear the superstitious smog that have accreted over tradition through many centuries.
1  16.   Foreign policy should be once again back to Nehru’s non alignment policy, maintaining a healthy respect towards all nations. Though there is no Western block and Eastern block, the world is divided between ideologies of the Right and the Left,  interspersed with centre of right and centre of left leanings.  There is also religious fundamentalism raising its ugly head, not to leave out the perennial binary conflicts in different parts of the world between India and Pakistan, Israel and Palestine, Taliban and Afghans, Sunni and Shia in different parts of the Middle east. In such a world riven with ideological and religious differences, our policy should not be government centric, but people-centric. To find solutions, government should encourage people- to people contact and communication  and through cinema, music, art, literature and television serials bring conflicting nations like India and Pakistan together. There are many Malalas in our midst who will be ready to connect with Malalas in Pakistan. The effort should be to bring people together as the two nations share in many ways language, literature, culture, art and music.
1  17.   Never speak like a hawk. Never try to humiliate and isolate Pakistan. Pakistan is our neighbour and asking countries to ostracize and isolate Pakistan has only backfired. Dr.ManMohan Singh’s dignified words and silence in many ways curbed the Pakistan military’s hatred and vengeful acts. Highlight this policy and make people understand the value of cultivating humanity with the help of people.
1  18.   Congress should not show a negative mentality and attack PM Modi. Take a leaf out of President Obama who maintains dignified silence even as Trump tries to overthrow all the reforms including Gun license control that Obama had brought. If policies are wrong, explain how it could be set right, explain to the people why it has to be opposed and not give the impression of opposing for the sake of opposing. PM has been elected for five years and there should be no unseemly and undignified haste to pull him down.. Match his oratorical and demagoguerical skills with reason, logic, clarity bereft of emotion and sensation.
1  19.   Try to form a National Government subordinating party differences to the national interest in the present time of crisis when there is a looming fear of curtailment of privacy and freedom of expression that is on the rise. A government with a single agenda to bring an opposition-mukht Bharat is likely to become a fascist /autocratic government.Already it has set in motion what we have to eat, what we can read, what to be banned and they  do not augur well for democracy. Congress has to work doubly hard to make people understand their value as citizens of a democratic nation and this is possible if it takes the lead to have an all inclusive government.
2  20.   The main slogan should be Cultivate Humanity.